Ginjal e Lisboa

Ginjal e Lisboa

02 junho, 2011

Ana Moura interpreta "No Expectations"

Ouvi de manhã na rádio e não me saíu da cabeça.

Por isso, apesar de ser uma canção original dos Rolling Stones, coloco-a aqui: Ana Moura interpreta-a com a sensibilidade e sensualidade do costume e canta parte em português.

M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Take me to the station
And put me on a train
I've got no expectations
To pass through here again

Once I was a rich man and
Now I am so poor
But never in my sweet short life
Have I felt like this before

You heart is like a diamond
You throw your pearls at swine
And as I watch you leaving me
You pack my peace of mind

Our love was like the water
That splashes on a stone
Our love is like our music
Its here, and then its gone

So take me to the airport
And put me on a plane
I got no expectations
To pass through here again

(Letra de 'No expectations' de M. Jagger/K. Richards)

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